
It takes the whole Story of the Universe to get to any moment, and so, I am thankful for it all. I have been blessed to learn some of the infinite events and beings that form Now and whatever anyone is able to do or be. My understanding of this is largely the gift of Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry.

Amongst my particular genetic forebears, whom I thank, is my Nana, Winifred Smith Seng, whose life of hard work in country Australia, laid down a foundation for me. She had little schooling, did not see the ocean until she was in her forties, and worked to sustain the world with very few requests for herself; and I know that she dreamed. She did not feel hard done by, yet she did hope for something she could not quite express. I felt this hope, this desire from her, and also learned something from her organic, older world. She named her first married home ‘Avalon’, though I never knew why.

In terms of the particular transgenetic codings essential to the conceiving and unfolding of this book, it is the work and inspiration of Starhawk and Charlene Spretnak, at the base initially decades ago and throughout the years since. And the research of Marija Gimbutas has formed a core. There were also many other “mothers” and “spin-sters” there in the conception, awakening me with their swords of insight and nurturing me with their poetry: Mary Daly, Adrienne Rich, Robin Morgan, and Batya Podos being of significant note. Dr. Jean Houston has been this work’s midwife: her experiential teaching enabled the capacity in me to carry forth the poetic rituals essential to the whole process.

My partner and beloved, Taffy Robert Seaborne has collaborated in the manifestation of this book. The term “PaGaian” itself is one that he coined in the midst of a synergistic discussion we had. Taffy’s magical presence and our discussions have been crucial in recent years. His Earth-Wisdom, present from a childhood in his country of Wales, and developed in relationship with the Anangu traditional elders of Uluru, has supported and lured me into further insight and articulation of this work’s celebration of Being.

For providing nurturant places, spaces and developmental networks, I am thankful to these past Sydney groups: the Women’s Academy, the Australian Transpersonal Association, and Women-Church (which still exists in new form). In particular I thank Marie Tulip, Erin White, and Graham Bird for their friendship and ovarian support. I thank the women of an early Moon Circle group, particularly Annabelle Solomon and Annie Byron. I thank thea Gaia for her friendship and support through early and hard times of daring the new pathway. I thank the University of Western Sydney for a scholarship, which afforded me time for the real growth of the rituals and reflective process in recent years. The magnificent people who staff the Social Ecology School of the University of Western Sydney gave a context of integral vision and applicable guidance for the research phase; particularly I thank Dr. Susan Murphy for her wise counsel, presence and generosity. I thank my doctoral thesis examiners who gave encouraging and clarifying assessment. I am deeply grateful to all the participants in the ritual celebrations and classes over the years, and particularly Debbie Dunn, Loret Runagall, Lyn Ward, Kaye Tanttu, Helen Martin, Carrick Martin, Louise Stammers and Sheila Quonoey.
I am thankful for the powerful Gaian philosophy and storytelling, and personal encouragement of Dr.Elisabet Sahtouris, and for the enthusiasm and encouragement of Connie Barlow.

I am thankful for the support of my Mum, Beryl Hosking, through years of uncertainty, and for the teachings of my children – all three, and the generosity of spirit of Joachim and Jesslyn.

Helen Martin gave the manuscript very valuable and detailed attention, and Carrick Martin assisted. Judith Kohlhagen enjoyed reading it! Julie Cunningham did the artwork for the front cover, and made helpful suggestions. Donald MacLean gave generous technical help. I thank these friends, and many more.

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